- Equality Insights 4 Page Resource
- Infographic: Individual-level Data
- Equality Insights Rapid: Ngaahi Ola Tefitó – Tonga 2022
- Equality Insights Rapid Report: Solomon Islands Survey 2022
- Data for Gender Equality Zine
- Equality Insights Rapid: Key Findings – Tonga
- Equality Insights Rapid: Examining Water, Shelter, and Environment in the Context of the Tongan Volcanic Eruption
- Equality Insights Rapid Report: Tonga Survey 2022
- UNECE working paper: Assessing the relationship between gender and environment in an individual-level measure of multidimensional poverty: rationale, possibilities, and insights from Tonga
- Gender and Poverty as a Feminist Foreign Policy Priority
- T20 Policy Brief – Building from the foundations: improving data to inform future-fit social protection
- Equality Insights Infographic
- CSW66 Webinar – Accelerating women’s economic empowerment: the role of gender-sensitive poverty data
- Equality Insights Rapid: Tool Development Report
- Technical guide: Solomon Islands study 2020
- Guidance note: Equality Insights and individual-level, gender-sensitive measurement of multidimensional poverty and inequality
- Methodology audit: JRC COIN
- Gender and health: COVID-19 preparedness in the Solomon Islands
- Women’s Economic Empowerment in the Solomon Islands
- Snapshot report: Gender insights in the Solomon Islands
- Food security, gender and resilience in the Solomon Islands
- Gender and health: COVID-19 preparedness in the Solomon Islands
- Global leaders on why measuring what matters, matters.
- South Africa IDM study presentation at the Human Development and Capabilities Association Conference
- Food security, gender and resilience in the Solomon Islands
- Costs and Contributions of the Individual Deprivation Measure
- Fiji: Planning for prevention: Spotlighting potential gendered implications of COVID-19
- Australian Aid Conference Presentation 2020
- UNECE working paper: Household-level measurement masks gender inequality across three dimensions of poverty
- UNECE working paper: Measuring gender inequality within the household using the IDM in Fiji
- Navigating the politics of open data: Outcome document
- OECD Case Studies on Leaving No One Behind: The Individual Deprivation Measure
- Commission on the Status of Women 63 brief
- Australasian Aid Conference presentation, 2019
- The IDM: Revealing Links Between Gendered Patterns of Time Use, Unpaid Care Work & Other Dimensions of Life
- Developing and using a new gender data tool: The IDM – 7th Global Forum on Gender Statistitcs
- IDM Technical Update
- Introduction to the IDM
- Commission on the Status of Women 62 Brief
- IDM Infographic in Bahasa
- Methodology Update 2017
- IDM 2-Page Infographic
- Fiji Brief
- Fiji Report: Exploring Multidimensional Poverty in Fiji
- Commission on the Status of Women 61 Brief
- Women Deliver Brief
- IDM Research Report (2014)
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