Illuminating inequalities: what data do we really need to ‘build back better’?
The Equality Insights team presented at the 2021 Research for Development Impact Conference, in a session entitled Illuminating inequalities: what data do we really need to ‘build back better’?
The COVID-19 pandemic has increased and deepened poverty and gender inequality. Ensuring recovery activities effectively respond to these pressing issues requires a greater evidence base than is currently available. Significant data gaps limit insights into the circumstances of certain groups of people, including women and girls.
To support an effective and gender-sensitive pandemic response and recovery, decision makers need gender-sensitive poverty data. This data is also key to ending poverty, reducing inequalities and leaving no one behind – core Agenda 2030 commitments and its transformative promise to ‘leave no one behind’. This panel will outline why this matters and how individual-level, gender-sensitive, multidimensional data helps illuminate who experiences which challenges and barriers, to inform targeted change.
Watch the recording of the webinar below.
