
Fiji Report: Exploring Multidimensional Poverty in Fiji

  • Published: June 1, 2017
  • Country: Fiji

In 2014, the Australian Government funded the first IDM study beyond the initial proof of concept trial in the Philippines, to explore what additional insights into deprivation in Fiji could be
gained by individual-level, gender-sensitive poverty measurement. This work was undertaken by the IWDA, working with the Fiji Bureau of Statistics (FBoS).

In 2016, the Australian Government made a further investment in the IDM as part of a wider focus on closing the gender data gap, supporting a four-year program to ready the IDM for global use by 2020. The IDM Fiji study has ensured that the IDM Global program, implemented in partnership with the Australian National University (ANU) and IWDA, is informed by circumstances in the Pacific.

Fiji Report: Exploring Multidimensional Poverty in Fiji


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