
Commission on the Status of Women 63 brief

  • Published: March 7, 2019
  • Country: Fiji

This brief was created for the Commission on the Status of Women 63 (CSW63) in March, 2019. It looks at the IDM time-use dimension, research published by IWDA partner Voice for Change (VfC) into violence against women and girls, and broader time-use research from the Asia Pacific region.

This brief accompanies a parallel event, run by Voice for Change and the IDM:

“Slavery: why time matters for gender-sensitive, multidimensional poverty measurement”.

When: March 20, 2:30pm

Where: UN Church Center, Level 10

Background: This event will explore time-use and excessive labour burden, its impact on women’s lives and why time use matters for understanding multidimensional poverty.

Lily BeSoer, Voice for Change (VfC) Director will discuss findings from a VfC study on violence against women and girls in Jiwaka Province, Papua New Guinea. Women’s daily burden of work was identified by women as the most serious form of violence they experienced.

Joanne Crawford, of the IWDA Individual Deprivation Measure (IDM) team will share how the IDM can provide insights into disparity within the household, linked to gendered roles and responsibilities, by measuring poverty at the individual level.

Commission on the Status of Women 63 brief


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