
Gender and health: COVID-19 preparedness in the Solomon Islands

  • Published: August 14, 2020
  • Country: Solomon Islands

COVID19 Solomon Islands brief

The Gender and health: Covid-19 preparedness in two provinces section of the Solomon Islands report has been converted into a two-page brief to provide policy makers with gender-sensitive analyses to inform gender-equitable action. The brief works with data from the timely Solomon Islands study, collected in March and April 2020, and looks at a broad range of influences on vulnerability and preparedness from sanitation, access to water, and barriers based on levels of education, to forms of deprivation that may interact to magnify the potential economic and health risks of the pandemic.

Note: This document was created in June 2020, during the IDM phase of the program, which was a partnership between the ANU and IWDA with strategic funding from the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade. The Solomon Islands study was also supported by The World Food Programme.
Gender and health: COVID-19 preparedness in the Solomon Islands


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