Fiji Brief
Read the latest IDM brief from Fiji. “Currently, poverty data in Fiji (and elsewhere) is derived from household income and expenditure data. Given gender inequality within households can be significant, assessing individual poverty by using household data and then assuming all household members have the same access to resources and opportunities is problematic…”
Fiji Report: Exploring Multidimensional Poverty in Fiji
In 2016, the Australian Government made a further investment in the IDM as part of a wider focus on closing the gender data gap, supporting a four-year program to ready the IDM for global use by 2020. The IDM Fiji study has ensured that the IDM Global program, implemented in partnership with the Australian National University (ANU) and IWDA, is informed by circumstances in the Pacific.
Commission on the Status of Women 61 Brief
Read the IDM brief produced for the Commission on the Status of Women (CSW) 61, held in New York, March 2017.
Women Deliver Brief
Read the brief about the IDM program distributed at the 2016 Women Deliver conference.
IDM Research Report (2014)
Published in 2014, the initial IDM Research Report details the concerns that led to development of the Individual Deprivation Measure (IDM), the participatory research that underpins the measure, and the IDM’s conceptual foundations.