Women’s Economic Empowerment in the Solomon Islands
This brief explores the work, time-use and voice dimensions, along with data on asset ownership and control, to highlight the multidimensional nature of economic empowerment and resiliency for women and men in two provinces of the Solomon Islands.
Snapshot report: Gender insights in the Solomon Islands
This report presents initial findings and insights from the Solomon Islands study, which was undertaken early in 2020 by IWDA and Dignity Pasifik. The report includes detailed analyses of data gathered across a broad range of economic, social and environmental factors from different population groups in Central and Guadalcanal Provinces.
Food security, gender and resilience in the Solomon Islands
Food insecurity is associated with several poverty-related variables. This multidimensional analysis integrates gender to reveal the depth of inequality at the intersections of multiple deprivations.
Gender and health: COVID-19 preparedness in the Solomon Islands
The brief works with data from the timely IDM Solomon Islands study, collected in March and April 2020. It looks at a broad range of influences on vulnerability and preparedness from sanitation, access to water, and barriers based on levels of education, to forms of deprivation that may interact to magnify the potential economic and health risks of the pandemic.
Global leaders on why measuring what matters, matters.
This video captures thoughts from global leaders in poverty measurement and stakeholders of the Individual Deprivation Measure (IDM) on why it is important to measure at the individual-level and take a multidimensional look at poverty.
South Africa IDM study presentation at the Human Development and Capabilities Association Conference
A 10 minute presentation on “Measuring poverty to leave no-one behind: The IDM in South Africa” presented by Janet Hunt on behalf of the ANU IDM Team at the virtual Human Development and Capabilities Association Conference 2020.