UNECE working paper: Household-level measurement masks gender inequality across three dimensions of poverty
The UNECE’s Expert meeting on measuring poverty and inequality: SDGs 1 and 10 allows countries to exchange experiences on the challenges in poverty measurement and ways to address them. The objective is to take forward the methodological work on measuring poverty and inequality, achieve greater comparability and reliability of poverty statistics, and strengthen multilateral cooperation.
Researcher, Carol McInerney, attended the meeting in December to present a paper co-authored with Dr Kylie Fisk. The paper is titled Household-level measurement masks gender inequality across three dimensions of poverty.
The paper’s findings have significant implications for identifying the link between differing circumstances within households and overall societal inequalities. Read and download the paper below.
Note: This document was created in June 2020, during the IDM phase of the program, which was a partnership between the ANU and IWDA with strategic funding from the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade. The Solomon Islands study was also supported by The World Food Programme.
Household-level measurement masks gender inequality across three dimensions of poverty