
IDM Research Report (2014)

  • Published: August 8, 2014

Ground-breaking participatory research, feminist analysis and rights-based conceptual work underpin the Individual Deprivation Measure. The research was undertaken through a four-year, international, interdisciplinary research collaboration, led by the Australian National University, in partnership with the International Women’s Development Agency and the Philippine Health and Social Science Association, University of Colorado at Boulder, and Oxfam Great Britain (Southern Africa), with additional support from Oxfam America and Oslo University.  It was funded by the Australian Research Council and partner organisations (LP 0989385).

The Research Report introducing the IDM also outlined a range of further work needed to refine and further develop the measure.

The international team behind the IDM set out to answer the question, what is a just and justifiable measure of poverty that is gender sensitive and capable of revealing gender disparities?  To do this, the team undertook significant field-based research, using participatory and feminist research methodologies.

The work was undertaken in six countries across 18 research sites, with three age cohorts of men and women at each site, because needs, challenges and priorities change over the lifecourse,

The final Research Report from the original research to develop the IDM can be downloaded below.  The report was first published in November 2014. Subsequent use and research has seen development of thinking is documented in the IDM Methodology Update 2017.

Full Report


Cover, Authors, Acknowledgements, Preface, Executive Summary, Table of Contents

Chapter 1

Project Introduction

Chapter 2

Phase One Methods and Findings

Chapter 3

Phase Two Methods and Findings

Chapter 4

The Individual Deprivation Measure: A new tool for measuring poverty and gender disparity

Chapter 5

Survey and Scoring the Individual Deprivation Measure

Chapter 6

Piloting the Individual Deprivation Measure in the Philippines

Chapter 7

Directions for Future Research


References, back page.


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